Monday, November 13, 2023

Ominous Trump


From CommonDreams.Org: "Trump Issues Sinister Threat to 'Root Out' Leftists If Elected in 2024":

Former U.S. President Donald Trump pledged during a Veterans Day speech on Saturday to "root out" those he described as "radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country" if he's elected in 2024, an openly fascistic threat that drew comparisons to Nazi rhetoric.

My first reaction every time I see a story about how the dangers of Trump is that if he's so dangerous, why the hell do the Democrats stick with a doddering, unpopular, stupid asshole like Joe Biden?  And, of course, they do that for the same reason that they destroyed Bernie Sanders' candidacy for the Democratic Party nomination in 2020.  You'll remember at the time that everyone from the Democrats, and the mainstream media were saying how terrifying the prospect of a Trump second-term would be.  Bernie Sanders was the most popular politician in the country at the time and he wanted to be the Democrats' standard-bearer.  Sane people would think: "Excellent!  With Sanders running against Trump we're sure to win!"

But the USA is not a sane society.  And any of my few readers who might have stupid thoughts flitting through their empty heads regurgitating nonsense from MSNBC or "Driftglass" or some other Democratic zombie idiot pundit about the weaknesses of a Sanders presidency are themselves a symptom of this debased deranged society.

Y'all know about how Hillary Clinton stored up the urine in her bladder so that it got nice and yellow and stinky whereupon she pissed all over the Democratic party's progressive base and tried to go after "moderate" Republicans?  Because it's important to reach across party lines to unite the country.  And it's even more important to abuse and disempower the Left because the USA is a right-wing capitalist oligarchy and left-wing ideas threaten said oligarchy.

Which was why Sanders' ability to appeal to Republican voters was disregarded.  The source of Sanders' appeal to the FOX News town-hall was in the areas where even Republican voters' desires conflict with the oligarchy's.  It's fine if they hate immigrants and homosexuals and racialized minorities and environmentalism and secularism and what-not.  But if they want public health insurance, an end to stupid wars, and someone to kick the asses of those corrupt mother-fuckers on Wall Street, ... well, that's just not allowed.

Trump on the other hand is perfect.  He appeals to the worst instincts of white people, of misogynists, racists and homophobes.  His professional wrestling persona is entertaining to large groups of people which translates into high ratings.  (Personally, I can stomach watching one wrestling event a year.  By which I mean if it's playing in a bar I will casually look at it from time-to-time with a smirk on my face.  But after that serving I find it irritating.  Similarly, Trump says something amusing once in a while but I couldn't bring myself to watch his useless press conferences.)  Best of all, Trump is all about insane tax-cuts and insane de-regulation and crushing unions.  Red meat for the base and even better cuts of red meat for the oligarchy.

The Democratic Party's leadership would rather lose to Trump than win with someone like Sanders.  They would rather lose than run on a platform that attacks the oligarchy's accumulated privileges from the 19th Century and got a new lease on life under Reagan in the 1980's.  They especially don't want to have to deliver on such a platform. And so they sabotaged Sanders in 2020 the same way they did in 2016.  And the party rallied behind a tired, venal, corrupt, unpopular corporate tool named Biden.  And they barely squeaked by Trump who was wounded by his inept, confused handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now, before I continue, I will say that in some important areas, Biden and the Democrats are truly the "lesser-evil" to the Republicans.  And Biden has done some decent things and appointed some worthwhile people.  But he also broke a lot of promises.  And the good things that he has done do not outweigh the bad things and the broken promises.  There's too much "evil" and not enough "lesser" in the Democrats.  Voting for either of those parties, participating in the oligarch-run electoral process in the USA is a total waste of time.

And that's why his re-election hopes are going to be very difficult for him to achieve.  That and the fact that he's clearly very old, and very tired, and he was never all that incredible to begin with.

Anyway, ... here goes ...

Former U.S. President Donald Trump pledged during a Veterans Day speech on Saturday to "root out" those he described as "radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country" if he's elected in 2024, an openly fascistic threat that drew comparisons to Nazi rhetoric.

Well, I think that Trump is "vermin."  I think he's an "asshole."  When I say these things, do I literally mean that Trump isn't human, but, rather, a cockroach, or a rat?  Or do I think that he's literally a six-foot tall anus?  I think neo-cons are "vermin."  The definition from Oxford Dictionary that reads:

"people perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society."

So, yeah, it's a little uncharacteristic to hear a mainstream US politician use the word "vermin" to describe his enemies, but it's not something that I'm immediately going to get up in arms about.  Many people call me "stupid" and I call many of them, and many other people besides "stupid."

"We are a failing nation. We are a nation in serious decline," Trump, the current Republican presidential frontrunner, told the crowd gathered in Claremont, New Hampshire. "2024 is our final battle."

You know, the thing is, the USA is in serious decline.  It's due to the policies shared by both the Democrats and the Republicans (including Trump).  Trump has identified the exporting of manufacturing jobs overseas as one of the culprits.  This is anathema to politicians and economists within the cult of free trade but it is true.  Off-shoring jobs to countries where labour is kept cheap through state violence was never going to improve living-standards in the places that lost those jobs.  It was never designed to do that.  And anyone who said that it would was an idiot.

Living standards in the USA are falling.  Life expectancies are dropping.  Infant mortality rates are rising.  These are all indications of the failure of the neo-liberal revolution.

The former president vowed to target communists and Marxists—ideological groups that he described as "radical left lunatics"—and "rout the fake news media until they become real."

"The real threat is not from the radical right. The real threat is from the radical left, and it's growing every day—every single day," Trump claimed. "The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave than the threat from within."

My problem with this garbage is the conflation of communism and Marxism with the neo-liberal, monopolistic, oligarchy represented by the leadership of the Democratic Party.  And what the grifter-pervert Trump describes as "radical left lunacy" was (as I said above) popular with the FOX News crowd.

Oh well.  That's enough for today.  I've got stuff to do.

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