Sunday, February 25, 2024

Trudeau be-shits himself in Ukraine


So our airhead, pro-genocide, neoliberal dimbulb prime minister Justin Trudeau paid a "surprise" visit to Kiev yesterday.  Doing what he does, he made empty promises of eternal support and expressed other meaningless platitudes.  Among Trudeau's promises was around $150 million in mostly non-military aid. What's Ukrainian for "How fucking pathetic!" ???

This day serves as a reminder of what Ukraine is fighting for – the values of peace, justice, and democracy. To the civilians-turned-soldiers fighting to protect their homeland, the volunteers providing care to those injured, and all Ukrainians who remain defiant in the face of Russia’s attacks, know that Canada is with you. We will continue to work closely with our Allies and international partners to support Ukraine and Ukrainians as they continue to fight for their freedom, for their independence, and for democracy.

Aside from the fact that Ukraine hadn't been much of a democracy since the Maidan Coup, and its government (mainly its war and spying sectors) were dominated by out-and-out nazis who were oppressing ethnic Russians, millions of Ukrainians chose to flee rather than defend their nazi-kleptocrat government, tens of thousands of those Ukrainians killed "defending their country" were forced conscripts who were sent in as untrained cannon-fodder, and that massive amounts of the money and weapons that got to Ukraine (and weren't blown up by the Russians) was lost to corruption and looting, Trudeau's words are inspiring.

This is sickening garbage.  At least half-a-million Ukrainians have been killed because slimey neocons like Victoria Nuland, Hillary Clinton, Bill Kristol, Robert Kagan, John Bolton want a ghost of a chance of an orgasm at the thought of weakening Russia.  And the perverted fantasies of these neocons is tolerated by the oligarchy because it means profits for weapons manufacturers and the criminals on Wall Street who have invested in them.

I used to ask my fellow progressive bloggers, who had swallowed the NATO propaganda about this war, just why it was that politicians who were fine with torturing Afghans, or with a million dead Iraqis, or the destruction of Libya, the starvation of hundreds of thousands of Yemenis, literally millions of refugees from across all these countries, were genuinely upset about Russia invading Ukraine.

Was the difference in concern for mostly white-skinned Ukrainians over generally darker-skinned Asians rooted in racism?

Actually, it was a trick question.  Our politicians don't give a shit about Ukrainian lives.  That's why they've thrown hundreds of thousands of them away and wrecked their country in a shit-headed attempt to weaken Russia. 

But I could ask my trick question again.  And, you know what?  I think that I will!

Why did Trudeau go to Kiev and squeak about Ukrainian freedom and democracy while he remains (at best) silent about the deliberate genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza?  Is he a hypocrite?  Well, ... actually, yes.  But also, he's a figurehead.  An errand boy.  Perhaps he's too stupid and deluded to actually know what he's doing.  But, by that token, his professed support for Ukraine is also meaningless stupidity and delusion.

Why am I blogging again?  Well, you see, there were a few years where I was trying out sharing my political outbursts under my own name on social media where friends and family (and their friends and families) could interact with my "radical" lefty views.  And then, somehow, the algorhythims changed and I started to get way less responses to my political posts (but, strangely, my slices of everyday life posts still got the same amount of reactions) and then Mork Zookerberg got in his fight with the Canadian government and I couldn't even share my readings anymore.

This is still pretty much a waste of time.  But whatever.

Here's a link to a Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East to send emails to ministers Joly, Hussen and Miller to stop supporting genocide or, if they don't want to do that, to resign their posts since they're obviously scumbags.


Danneau said...

Was a little disturbed yesterday to see an otherwise fine fellow suggest that this was a great opportunity for the West to try out newfangled military hardware. A flash of Picasso's Guernica ran through my inner vision, and I thought of Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin duking it our with their newfangled weaponry using Spaniards as crash test dummies, or a lab rats. It's chilling. Also, you are the first person I've crossed of late to mention of the early stirrings of the Orange Revolution and the meddling hand of the US. Reminds me of a quip from Roger Waters:
How we understand history is shaped by when we start the clock.

Anonymous said...

Good post. Sometimes I forget how doomed we are.

thwap said...


Someone on one of the right-wing, pro-Trump, Putin-liking blogs I'm forced to go to for information on this subject had written that after a short while the USA was eager to keep their weapon systems AWAY from the Ukrainian battlefields because early results were embarrassing and continued failures would harm future sales.

Did Roger Waters say that as part of a response to that shill Bono's praise for Navalny, given while Gaza was being genocided?

thwap said...


That reality is before me constantly.

Purple library guy said...

Well, I'm not sure how much longer this is going to go on. As I've been watching lately, it feels like the Ukrainians have either lost too many soldiers, have lost hope, or both. Or maybe they've just lost too much air defence. Or all those things.

Whichever way, Russia is advancing faster in more places lately. The big win in Avdiivka is high profile, but to me more important is that here and there along the front, little towns and villages that used to hold out for weeks are just falling quickly. The Russians pummel them with big bombs from planes (and drones and artillery), then after a relatively short time of that kind of preparation, just waltz in in a day or three. Used to be it would be bombard for a week, advance, get their noses bloodied, bombard for another week etc., maybe get in on the third or fourth try, after numerous days of fighting for a street at a time. The Ukrainians were disadvantaged, and they were losing more people because of all the artillery and such, but they were hanging pretty tough on the defensive. That's slipping now.

I think the Ukrainians moved too many reinforcements to Avdiivka, and lost them there, stripping too many men from other parts of the front. Meanwhile the gradual degradation of their air defence has left them unable to stop the Russians from bombing them. And the loss of Avdiivka has been a blow to morale, along with the gradual grinding down effect from unending casualties. So when their buddies start getting blown to smithereens by 500-kg bombs and they realize the cottage they're sheltering in is not going to stop the same from happening to them, they are starting to do what any sane person would do and bugger off. Ah, tactically withdraw.

Anyway, Russian territorial gains are starting to speed up. And as they speed up, they are more likely to hit areas the Ukrainians haven't had time to prepare with trenches and minefields, which will speed them up more. I think the attrition phase has now taken sufficient effect that the so-called stalemate is over.

thwap said...

Purple library guy,

That's the thinking from this guy at his blog.

"Ukraine is now beginning to crack—the floodgates have opened and lines are collapsing everywhere, as seen in many of the updates from the various fronts above. In the paid article, I outlined how Russia has much greater logistical mobility, where it can transpose large amounts of units faster than Ukraine can. What we’re seeing now is Russia utilize this ability: it is transferring and rotating units around the map from one sector to another, conducting lightning assaults and raids which cause Ukraine to begin transferring emergency reserves to reinforce the front. But since Ukraine’s logistical mechanization is far more sclerotic compared to Russia’s, by the time Ukraine displaces its reinforcements, Russia has already conducted another rotation to a different front, or even back to the one Ukraine just divested of its critical reinforcements.

This is allowing Russia to attack Ukraine at weak spots in rapid-fire fashion while an exhausted AFU is forced to react with increasing delay. "

Purple library guy said...

Probably something to that. And of course that too is not just an accident, it's about Russian missiles blowing up train stations and power stations (Ukrainian trains are electric). I don't think Ukraine has been able to disrupt Russian/Donbass transportation nearly as much.