Friday, July 5, 2024

News Round-Up


Trump is a ridiculous liar.  Hillary Clinton lost to him in the Electoral College because her own record, her beliefs, and her unprovoked abuse on the grassroots of her own party discouraged voters from bothering to come out.  In the face of Trump's numerous, stupid, brazen lies, Joe Biden could only offer rebuttals (delivered with actual physical and mental exhaustion) and was overwhelmed by his own visible struggles with his developing senility.

And, the whole time, hardly any mainstream commentator reminds us of the million dead Iraqis, the millions of refugees from the Middle East, the agonies of Libya and Yemen and Syria.  The genocide in Gaza.  The starvation sanctions in Venezuela.  All the inhuman filth that both these monsters oversee.

After fourteen years the UK Conservatives deservedly fall from power.  Keir Starmer's UK Labour Party wins by default.  But Keir Starmer and his partners are all braindead neo-liberal shitheads who are dedicated to serving the sociopathic desires of the oligarch class and so Starmer will now begin to shit his pants in public and being genuinely mystified when people start to complain about the smell.

The anti-genocide encampment at the University of Toronto was dismantled following a successful injunction against it.  Noteworthy is the fact that the judge said that the U of T governing council and its zionist allies absolutely failed to prove their calumnies against the protesters being violent anti-semites.  Dear U of T president and fellow scum: You're the ones supporting the mass murder of innocent civilians, through terrorism, torture, assassination, bombing and starvation.  You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Finally, the CBC is a disgrace.


Purple library guy said...

Lot of elections happening. England just now, France on Monday, Venezuela in three weeks. India not long ago, not great but was expecting worse.

In Venezuela I'm expecting the governing PSUV to once again crush the opposition because the opposition as usual couldn't find their asses with both hands and a GPS. Honestly, although I believe Hugo Chavez was a brilliant and visionary leader, history might have been quite different if anyone in the Venezuelan decadent comprador class rose to the level of bare competence. The yanks give them money, toys, organizers, sanctions, worldwide lying press support, and they just piss it all away. It's kind of impressive.

Purple library guy said...

I have hopes for the French elections, actually. I mean in France, it is becoming crystal clear that if you don't want the fascists, there is no point in voting for the worthless centre-right to stop them, the only realistic choice is the left. I want to see Macron's party implode and the left give a strong enough showing to frustrate Le Pen's ambitions. It's not implausible.

thwap said...

Purple library guy,

I never really thought about all the advantages that pro-USA politicians receive in Latin America the way you described it. I actually never really thought of it at all. I always thought "fear/death squads"to be honest.

I always thought they were shitty people though.

But what you say, ... it is kind of impressive. How shitty they are. The whole rotten capitalist edifice, formerly Spanish, then British, now USian, is on it's last legs.

Venezuela is a country (like Cuba) that has the social depth for the left-wing political party to allow them to survive any half-assed military solution.

So, when they have to compete on their merits, US puppets fail miserably, and the US "Agents of Empire" (CIA/NSA/WHATEVER) allows them to rip them off with all the "aid" that was supposed to go to "movement building."

With regards to France, you and I are on the same wavelength.