Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Very Brief Response To Conservatives' Toronto-St. Paul's By-Election Win


Canada's antiquated First Past The Post (FPTP) electoral system allowed the federal Conservatives under the racist degenerate imbecile Pierre Poilevre to eke out a narrow win in the former Liberal stronghold of Toronto St. Paul's.  (Around 65% of those who voted voted Liberal, NDP, or Green. I'm sure few of them are happy with there being another MP for the Corrupt Shit-Head Party of Canada in the House of Commons.)

What to say?   It's Toronto and it's close to the University of Toronto so there's something of a mix but there are a lot of affluent areas.  As the voting for all the parties indicates, it's majority progressive.  So, who went to the Conservatives from the Liberals (who won last time by 24 points)?  The CBC News website doesn't tell me.  I can't be bothered to do any further research.  Okay.  Maybe has something ...



For what it's worth, roughly 37,000 out of 85,00 voted, which is a turnout of 43.5%.  In the last federal election of 2021, about 60,000 people voted.  But by-elections always have a lower electoral turnout.  But the Conservatives saw their actual vote count rise from 13,600 to 15,500.

I DO know however, that the viability of the Conservatives is an abomination and an indictment of our mainstream media.  First of all, the Conservatives should have been shamed out of existence for their repeated disrespect for all of the principles of our system of government.  As elitist and unsatisfying as our political system is, it does have some formal measures to obtain accountability.  Under stephen harper, the Conservatives violated all of them.

The racist career politician Pierre Poilievre blathers on about how Liberal spending and deficits have created the inflation that we're all suffering from.  But the imbecile also blames Liberal taxes for suppressing the economy.  The reality of course is that it is oligarchic price-gouging that is causing it.  And Poilievre will do NOTHING about that since he's at least, if not more so, allied with the entitled scum doing it.  But even on his own terms, Poilevre is being a hypocrite.  When he served under stephen harper his Conservatives produced a string of massive deficits primarily through tax-cuts and idiotic war spending.  And then there was his shameless vote-buying with a boosted the child tax credit right before an election.  (Not that I'm opposed to such a thing in principle.  It's just that Poilievre is.  Except around election time.  Because the degenerate racist is a shameless hack.)

At the end of the day, the people who could go either way between voting Conservative or voting Liberal are, well, idiots.  BOTH those parties are useless.  The Liberals are less bad than the Conservatives in the same way that "Genocide Joe Biden" has, overall, less bad policies than the Republicans.  (To say nothing about "Genocide Donald Trump" who vetoed an attempt to halt assistance for Saudi Arabia's genocidal policies in Yemen.)

Political systems that offer us vomit such as the Liberals and the Conservatives, or the Democrats and Republicans, are rotten and need to be replace.

The same goes for a media system that only gives voice to those who say we need to spend more as a member of NATO or who want to drag the Liberal Party even further to the right.


Troy said...

"Voters were sending a message" my foot. More than likely, it was simply apathy. Voters probably realized it didn't matter if it was Cons or Libs that won. Five months to go? What does the election even matter then?

The winner would simply be a lame duck in parliament.

Parliament has no answers right now. Just a retreat in Trudeau, a clown in Poilievre, and Liberals-lite in Jagmeet, who has put forward decent policies for passage in the current supply and confidence agreement, but doesn't really move the needle progressively as much as is necessary right now.

thwap said...


If I try really hard, I can put myself in the place of someone who would just as likely vote Conservative as Liberal.

It's difficult because I wish both those parties would disappear.

But they persist due to stupidity, ignorance and the lies of a garbage culture.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is an idiot expect me!

Says the pathetic loser who has done little to nothing with his life

Are you even still in involved in activism outside of the online world and actually in real life?

Or is that just too much for you? 😂

thwap said...

"Everyone is an idiot expect me!"

"Expect me" to do what?

Or were you trying to say something else but you fucked-up because you're an idiot?

Anonymous said...

Nah, I was just laughing so hard at your pain I made a spelling mistake.

You bitch and complain and in the end you do nothing.

Your life is an utter waste.

Complete and utter waste.

thwap said...

I get lots of comments from this anonymous person and I tend to delete them. Because this anonymous person is insane, and (surprisingly) boring.

Recently there was a comment that was probably from them but which could have come from any anonymous zionist supporter of genocide. If it was the latter case, perhaps this different person would actually try to explain why they support the mass murder of innocent people.

But nothing came of it.

But when this anonymous loser leaves a comment that acts as an "own goal" against itself, I'm happy to contribute to its embarrassment.

For the most part though, this desperate creature (who calls me a complete and utter waste while haunting my blog and commenting obsessively despite most of their efforts getting deleted) will not have their stupid comments showing here.

They've been told a million times that the way to really infuriate me and upset me would be to demonstrate to the world why I'm wrong.

But this anonymous psychopathic loser never attempts to do that. Because they can't. Because they're just not smart enough.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
thwap said...

So there was yet another effort. Subsequent signs of obsessive love and devotion will be summarily deleted, unless they're such as when my troll humiliates itself.