The US empire is up to its elbows in the middle east working frenetically to manipulate what happens there, while in the United States itself homelessness has taken another record-shattering leap forward. Homelessness in the US has increased by a staggering 18 percent since last year — and last year also saw a giant spike in homelessness of 12 percent from the year before. Officially there are now around 770,000 homeless Americans, though the real number is likely several times higher.
This massive injustice is entirely by design. As the hub of a globe-spanning empire, the US needs to keep its citizenry poor, divided, distracted and powerless in order to keep them from meddling in the gears of the imperial machine. The more free time and mental spaciousness Americans have, the more they’ll awaken to how depraved their government is and how badly it’s screwing them over. The managers of the western empire naturally have a vested interest in keeping Americans poor, sick, ignorant, and propagandized. Which is why they remain so.
The (generally right-wing) sources that I read [to avoid the insulting slop from NATO propagandists] tell me that there are no North Korean troops in Russia. Unless, of course, they're there as observers, looking to see how their own missiles and such that they contributed to Russia's war effort are working.
From the headlines that my browser puts in front of my eyes, NATO propaganda has it that Russia's military-age population has been decimated by gigantic losses caused by the thuggish Putin regime's "human wave" assaults, which that regime imposes upon its soldiers out of incompetence and a bestial disregard for human life.
Just yesterday I read on Mondoweiss about this "aid" program to the Palestinian Authority:
Around two dozen Canadian troops and “up to 12” RCMP officers are currently part of Operation Proteus, which trains PA security forces as part of a mission led by the Office of the United States Security Coordinator. Initially in charge of organizing the PA force, US General Keith Dayton told the Associated Press in 2009, “We don’t provide anything to the Palestinians unless it has been thoroughly coordinated with the State of Israel and they agree to it.”
So, the cunning neo-liberal with the Nazi Grand-Pappy resigned. Ostensibly she couldn't bring herself to go along with air-head Justin Trudeau's "Axe the GST" political stunt.
On Friday, you told me you no longer want me to serve as your Finance Minister and offered me another position in the Cabinet.
Upon reflection, I have concluded that the only honest and viable path is for me to resign from the Cabinet.
And yet, so many progressives continue to operate under the delusion that the USA is a force for morality in the world.
Even though Canada gives standing ovations to nazi soldiers (and Crystia Freeland knew who he was because he was HER people), and even though (as we all know) Canada assists in genocide (which was supposed to be one of the reasons you DON'T give nazis standing ovations), small-"l" liberals think we're on the side of the good in Ukraine.
And any asswipe who calls me a "Putin-puppet" is a fucking NAZI. Because they support NAZIS.
But the USA is backing nazis in Ukraine to force that rump-remnant of a country to fight on, demanding that they start dragooning 18-year olds, even though Ukraine has a demographic crisis.
All so that the bitch Lindsey Graham can get a cut of the swag from Ukraine's rare-earth minerals. Oh yeah, and to weaken Russia (which has surprised itself with its economic and industrial capabilities thanks to this crisis).
And that goddamned tottering, senile fossil "Genocide" Joe "Biding His Time Until He Finally Fucking Dies While Babbling About Corn-Pop and Filling His Diaper One Last Time With a Huge Helping of Senile Shit" might, in his dementia, decide "Fuck-it! I'll listen to shit-for-brains Blinken and start a nuclear war. What do I care? At least my precious crack-head Hunter will spend his last minutes on earth a free man!"
The Ukrainian military is dominated by fucking nazis. And nazis are bad because they deliberately slaughtered innocent men, women and children to try to exterminate entire groups of people. (Jews, Roma, Slavs, and others.)
But Canada is providing diplomatic and military assistance to nazi-pig shit-hole racist Israel, as it slaughters tens of thousands (perhaps anywhere from 200,000 to 400,000 innocent men, women and children in Palestine. Why? Because they're Palestinians. And Israel wants their land in Gaza and the West Bank. (And then it wants to move on to Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.) Because Zionists are lunatics, driven mad by murderous European Christian racism, who are also stupid. Because smart Jewish survivors (and their descendants) responded to Christian hatred and bigotry by embrace universalist, internationalist, socialist respect for all races and creeds and colours. They didn't embrace a fanatical, exclusionary, racist nationalism that was based on smashing in the faces of a militarily weaker society.
And Justin Trudeau says he'll "abide" by the ICC warrants (whatever that means) while the contender for our garbage-culture country's federal political leadership Pierre Anus-Brain says that arrest warrants for people who have deliberately destroyed all the schools and hospitals and power generators and water facilities and who have attacked food-aid convoys and who have executed healthcare workers in cold-blood and who have raped prisoners to death (and a television poll of that racist, shit-hole country's nazi population showed that the majority of them don't have a proble with that) is "wokeness."
Pierre Anus-Brain's whole life is an indictment of this country.
And a big reason why we support Israel (besides being shit-head racist assholes) [Crystia's Jew-hating Grandfather might grock the diplomatic-political rationalizations for his grand-daughter's support for Israeli zionist-nazis.] is because the much more powerful-than-us USA supports Israel. And they'll kick our asses and maybe even assisinate any politician who dares speak out against nazi-level atrocities. And Justin Trudeau and Melanie Joly are probably just coward and stupid air-heads, incapable of grasping the enormity of their failure.
So the ICKF ("Israeli Child-Killing Force") got their cowardly, incompetent asses kicked by Hezbollah when they attempted their ground invasion, and so, like the cowards they are, they focused instead on killing Lebanese civilizians by dropping bombs on them from airplanes since Lebanon has no air-defence to speak of. Lebanon is a divided country, created by European imperialists, with various sectarian groups in it, some of whom are seriously antipathetic to Hezbollah. The most craven and stupid among the population (and every large group has a craven and stupid minority) will idiotically kill anti-Israeli Lebanese in return for Israeli (and maybe USA or Arab puppet-state) money. Hezbollah agreed to a ceasefire to stop the slaughter. Israel has violated the ceasefire hundreds of times by continuing to bomb Lebanon, but racist shit-for-brains, shameless liar, psychotic narcssist, nepo-baby Antony Blinken put Israel in charge of enforcing the ceasefire.
Still, Israel and the USA know that Hezbollah remains a potent enemy. So, immediately after throwing in the towel on the ICKF's ground invasion, they unleash their shit-for-brains/head-chopping/Islamist-extremist terrorists on Syria. Because Iran's military assistance to Hezbollah goes through Iraq and Syria, with Syria being the weakest link. The USA wants to crush all vestiges of Arab independence. The child-torturing Syrian President Assad is independent. So the USA will use al Qaeda to attack him.
Whatever the latest acronym they've chosen for themselves, these are pretty much the same Sunni-extermist human garbage that used to be ISIS/ISIL or Al Qaeda or the Al Nusra Front (or what-the-fuck-evah). The other side in the "Clash of Civilizations" that we all had to surrender our freedoms and privacy to our governments so that they could protect us from them.
It's all been a huge, stupid lie. But thankfully for US stupid, psychopathic elites, most of the denizens of the world are stupid as well and they haven't figured this out. And don't expect our corporate media of sycophants, careerists, dullards, ignoramuses, hypocrites, shills, morons, patriots and idiots to do anything to change the lamentable state of the citizenry's analyses.
Our society is rotten to the core. And at that core is a Black Hole.
There's no telling what's going to happen with the USA and Israel's apparently successful installation of Al Qaeda as the government of Syria. And it's hard not to see this as a "win" for the dementia-addled US empire. (There HAD to be a relative decline of US power after its artificial pre-eminence in 1945, but it's clear that at present, the USA has become a hollowed-out financialized economy dominated by gouging oligopolists with the living standards and life expectancies of ordinary citizens declining.) All of this dangerous lashing out by the USA and Israel is a sign of weakness. Assad of Syria was weaker. But that had always been the case.
But what about the supposedly rising powers of Russia and China and their supposed "unlimited partnership" that makes a whole that is greater that the mighty sum of its parts?
Perhaps Russia and China (and Iran) realize that they're only going to get stronger as the years pass. Whereas (as the clear decline of Europe, and the hell-holes that Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya became after US-American "victories", and the nightmare of Latin America under US-American domination demonstrates) the USA will only get weaker, ... perhaps they're prepared to sacrifice Syria, Hezbollah and the Palestinians.
Why should they respond to this dubious "success" with a war that nobody wants and which (in the case of Iran anyway) invite total destruction? The USA will do enough to destroy itself without either of those powers doing anything to help that along. And, also, it's entirely possible that the brainiacs in charge of US foreign policy underestimate the dangers of a shit-head Sunni-fundamentalist government in Damascus. There is going to be chaos and it might also be the case that (in the years since the "Rules-based International Order" has been harassing China and Russia, that those two countries have been coordinating their responses. And they can afford to play a long game.
Trump is a racist. But a very superficial one. He probably doesn't like Jews, but he can get along with them if there's something in it for him. He definitely looks down on Black people. But he's capable of being friendly with Black celebrities and athletes who are nice to him. I've seen enough videos of Trump one-on-one with a person, or with small groups, to see that he is capable of a glib, superficial charm. He's always had this natural, cunning talent for playing JUST inside the law. In the same way that he can shrug-off all criticisms and insults as unimportant to him while relentlessly going for the jugular on other people's weaknesses, he can summon the appearance of genuine caring and concern for them. But it's all transactional for him.
I used to hang around on's "babble" until May, 2006, and, since then, I've been found at and Even more lately, I've been at EnMasse, but also numerous blogs from the progressive side.
I'm sometimes rude to people and I've been accused of "schoolyard taunts," so, here's my schoolyard.