Monday, May 2, 2022

Profiles in Brainwashed Liberals


"Cathie From Canada" is on "The Galloping Beaver"'s blog-roll but she wasn't anyone I read on a regular basis.  However, I noticed a couple of posts with the word "Ukraine" in their titles and was drawn like a moth to the flame.

The post that I'm going to talk about spoke approvingly of this insane rant from the Democratic Cult-site "Daily Kos." It's from some guy who posts there.  [Oh! I see it's from Mark Sumner!  (Misspelled as "Summer.")  I recognized it just now because she also quoted from him today as he provides his incoherent military analysis and I wondered who he was.  Apparently he wrote something for The Nation once.] Here's what was quoted approvingly at Cathie From Canada's site that caused me to despair for humanity:

...with every day that goes by, the importance of what’s happening in Ukraine and the scope of what’s at stake seem to increase.... 
Every day, as Russia pushes in more forces, and the West responds by abandoning any pretense when it comes to providing Ukraine with the weaponry to fight back, the do-or-die nature of this conflict becomes more the United States and every other western nation, two months into this conflict, is that if this isn’t enough to stop Putin, we will have to do it ourselves. We win this war, or we will get another.
... there’s almost no end to the things Russia is doing wrong... The only tactic they have been able to engage that has been by any definition successful is that they have committed war crimes at a scale and pace not seen since World War II. 
Russia doesn’t have the ability to engage successfully with a peer military. It does have the ability to bomb the shit out of children, hospitals, and blind grandmothers. It has the ability to slaughter whole civilian populations and toss them into enormous mass graves. Russia can’t execute intelligent tactics to win battles in the field, but it’s perfectly capable of grinding forward with dumb tactics that pulverize cities and lives. 
Unless, of course, someone makes them stop. Which is where we are now. To really win this thing, Ukraine can’t fight the Russian army to a draw or force them to halt their advance. Ukraine has to destroy the Russian army in a way that keeps it from committing mass murder of civilians, not just right now, but for a long time to come. That is a very big task.

As always, I have to start off by declaring that Vladmir Putin is not my cup of tea.  I care about the Russian people though.  And I care about the Ukrainian people.  The USA's power-elites care about neither of these groups of people.  They are psychopaths who care only about themselves.  I see the primary culprit behind Putin's invasion of the Ukraine as being the Biden administration.

Once again (Sigh!) I have to preface everything with qualifiers so that as few people as possible believe that I want to watch videos of dying Ukrainians while sucking Putin's dick.  Non-Putin-worshipping authorities like George Kennan and John Mearsheimer said, years and years before this invasion was even a glimmer in Putin's eye, that NO Russian government would tolerate the Ukraine in NATO.  Furthermore, the USA's power-elite wants to destroy Russia and remove its ability to act autonomously.  

Is any of this worth dying for in a nuclear war???

Anyway, let's look at Sumner's stupid babbling again, shall we?

Every day, as Russia pushes in more forces, and the West responds by abandoning any pretense when it comes to providing Ukraine with the weaponry to fight back,

Russia hasn't really been pumping in more forces.  And Sumner is lying when he says that the USA and NATO haven't been flooding the Ukraine with weapons.

the do-or-die nature of this conflict becomes more the United States and every other western nation, two months into this conflict, is that if this isn’t enough to stop Putin, we will have to do it ourselves. We win this war, or we will get another.

Sumner is clearly a 10th-rate propagandistic hack.  ANYONE who says that Putin is out to re-build the Russian Empire of the Tsars (let alone conquer the world as Sumner seems to be implying) has to justify their assertion by explaining just why NATO's steady eastward advance against constant Russian protests; the USA's arrogant dismissals of Putin's demands for a diplomatic guarantee that the Ukraine would not join NATO; the USA's continued arming and training of the fascist-dominated Ukrainian military and that military's continued illegal war of aggression on the breakaway Donbas provinces, ... why ALL THESE THING were irrelevant to Putin's decision.

Explain why, even if none of those provocations had occurred, that Putin would have said: "Boys! I've decided that NOW is the time for me to invade another country, conquer it, and assimilate it into Russia against its will. I don't believe that there will be any fallout from this action.  It'll be easy-peasy.  And occupying a huge country like the Ukraine won't entail any extra expenses for Russia.  (But if they do, it'll be worth it for the gratification of my ego.)"

Personally I have a hard time believing that.  Whatever else he is, Putin is not that stupid and reckless.  I find it far easier to imagine that Antony Blinken (or some other hubristic psychopath) told the shit-head Biden: "We can continue to do what we want with our puppet government in the Ukraine.  (The one we installed after the coup we supported.)  And if Putin doesn't respond, great.  If he does respond, great!  We draw Russia into another quagmire like Afghanistan.  We win either way!"

And, anyway, ... what did Sumner ever write about the USA invading Afghanistan and Iraq and its pursuit of regime change in Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia??  Nothing as hyperbolic I'll bet.  Nothing about the USA being an insanely expansionist, violent, rapacious threat to the "rules-based international order" I'll bet.

... there’s almost no end to the things Russia is doing wrong... The only tactic they have been able to engage that has been by any definition successful is that they have committed war crimes at a scale and pace not seen since World War II. 

More complete garbage.  We'll get to Sumner's problematic assertions about Russia's military incompetence later.  But "war crimes at a scale and pace not seen since World War II"?!?  Has this idiot never heard of the Korean War?  The Vietnam War?  The Invasion of Iraq???  This really is garbage and anyone reading it and taking it seriously has some major intellectual defects.  This is just propaganda.

Russia doesn’t have the ability to engage successfully with a peer military. It does have the ability to bomb the shit out of children, hospitals, and blind grandmothers. It has the ability to slaughter whole civilian populations and toss them into enormous mass graves. Russia can’t execute intelligent tactics to win battles in the field, but it’s perfectly capable of grinding forward with dumb tactics that pulverize cities and lives. 
Unless, of course, someone makes them stop. Which is where we are now. To really win this thing, Ukraine can’t fight the Russian army to a draw or force them to halt their advance. Ukraine has to destroy the Russian army in a way that keeps it from committing mass murder of civilians, not just right now, but for a long time to come. That is a very big task.

Fuck.  See: This is where a person of normal intelligence should be thinking: "Waitaminnit Sumner!  If Russia's fighting ability is so terrible, then shouldn't the 'peer military' of the Ukraine be able to easily defeat it?  Because (contrary to your earlier assertion) we're providing them with TONS of weaponry.  And, furthermore, the Ukrainian military outnumbers the force that Putin sent in.  Are you sure you know what you're talking about at all???"

Instead, "Cathie From Canada" decided that this dreck was worth re-posting about.  And it's constant from her.  Here she is today babbling about the saintly goodness of scumbags Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden after some other shit-head on twitter named Eric Lee "tweeted" the following garbage:

There is no one I would trust more to be President of the United States more right now than President Joe Biden. Nobody understands the gravity of everything that is at stake at home and abroad right now better than him. Well, there’s one woman, but we missed that boat in 2016.

C from C replies:

Sometimes I ponder alternate timelines - what President Gore would have done to stop climate change & save America from invading Iraq; & what President Hillary Clinton would have done to stop Putin & save America from Covid. It would have been a different world today.

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden supported the criminal invasion of Iraq.  Do you remember WHY the USA invaded Iraq?  There was a lot of bullshit in the actual declaration of war but the primary argument for months was the fabricated story of Saddam Hussein's "Weapons of Mass Destruction."  So, Putin is a "mad-man" with whom negotiations are pointless, because he invaded a country on his border that was governed by an anti-Russian, fascist-dominated, US-controlled puppet government which was having its military being progressively armed and trained by the USA and was attacking the rights of ethnic Russians within its borders and was ignoring negotiated agreements to end it attacks on breakaway Donbas provinces (Minsk I and Minsk II) that had killed 14,000 people.  This anti-Russian government then began musing about getting nuclear weapons.  But, again, Putin is just a "mad-man" who cannot be negotiated with.  But the USA invading Iraq over fears about WMD's that were never more than a US-invented lie, is fit to lead the world in the fight for world peace.

[Here is an anti-Putin article that I can agree with. "When Putin Refutes the 'Theories' of His Leftist Fans!" by Yorgos Mitralias.  It doesn't offend me because I've never been a fan of Vladimir Putin.  I have said time and time again on this blog,  that he has shown restraint in the face of continued US provocations because he has.  And he has done so not because he is a good and saintly man.  But because he understands Russia's weaknesses and what would come his way were he to try to act as aggressively in the world as the USA does.  Mitralias (a Greek) points to the hypocrisy of Putin's supposed anti-fascism by reminding us of Putin's support for far-right movements in Europe, including the openly fascist "Golden Dawn" in Greece.  As I said, I'm not a fan of Putin.  Putin's hypocrisy is equal to the USA's where they claimed for years to be at war with Islamic extremism but yet they support fundamentalist Saudi Wahhabism and Jihaadists in Syria and Iraq.  All world leaders are psychopaths to some degree.  I've said this many times.  Putin is corrupt and deranged at some level but his behaviour on foreign policy has been much more restrained than that of the United States.]

Jesus Christ!  Eric Lee!  Even IF you take the USA's side in this conflict, to say that at this moment in time there is nobody else on the fucking planet Earth who has an equal grasp of the issues as Joseph Robinette Biden?!?!?!?!?  A career racist, corporate whore, authoritian, senile fuckwit!!!! How fucking moronic must you be in your daily life to say something as stupid as that????

These people are drooling imbeciles swooning over demented shit-heads!

Hillary Clinton has so much blood on her hands!  She is so corrupt and insane and disgusting!  She might have caused World War III by now because in 2015-16 she was talking about shooting down Russian planes over Syria.  Fucking maniac.  You remember Syria don't you?  Where the USA supported Al Qaeda in a bloody proxy war that killed tens of thousands and created millions of refugees (on TOP of the refugees from Afghanistan and Iraq and Libya!!!)?

Just remember: While shit-libs like "Cathie From Canada" are screaming about Putin and creaming themselves over Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, the USA continues to assist Saudi Arabia to slaughter Yemenis and deliberately starve the people of Afghanistan.  Unlike Putin in the Ukraine, the USA in Yemen and Afghanistan is conceivably more controllable by public opinion in the USA and/or Canada.  (Canada's government is currently a group of grovelling boot-lickers to the USA whose main challenger is a party of wanna-be ass-lickers.)

Goddamit!  I haven't even begun to delineate the delusion and stupidity of these shit-libs.  But my blog will not influence anything and I have a life to lead.  To be continued.


Ken C said...

I don't give a shit about Russian people. Never have. Never will. They're the same idiots who think doping a 15yr old figure skater so they can have another fucking Olympic gold medal is a good thing. Glory for the motherland or some other bullshit. She didn't win so they'll just toss her in the dustbin and find someone else.

thwap said...

Dear Unknown,

What a stupid comment.