Saturday, October 5, 2024

"Canada" Doing Its Bit To Start World War III


Ukraine's expired president Zelensky did not get approval from the Biden ADMINISTRATION to obtain long-range missiles with which to strike Moscow and other targets inside Russia.  (I say that it was a decision of the Biden ADMINISTRATION because it's an open question as to how much leadership Biden himself is capable of wielding.  What with his crumbling brain and all.)  There seems to be division among Biden's team, with racist, stupid, psychotic Secretary of State Antony Blinken wanting to expand the war and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin being opposed.  Since the US military would be the people who actually deliver the weapons to Ukraine and help with the firing of them into Russia, they can effectively block that happening.

I genuinely believe that Blinken, and other civilian "strategists" like him, really are so fucking clueless and ignorant and deluded, that the consequences of firing missiles into Russia completely elude them.  He lives in Cloud Cuckcoo Land and can't process that Russia really does have ICBMs that can atomize him whether he's eating in a fancy restaurant, or sitting in his office getting a briefing about how to genocide Arabs, or walking from his car to the front door of his mansion.  Nothing bad can happen to him, he thinks, because he's the Secretary of State in the most powerful country in the world.  And, golly-gee, he really made a good impression playing "Rocking in the Free World" at that Kiev nightclub.  They're going to talk about that in the history books; how his peformance rallied the beleagured Ukrainians and inspired them to fight on to final victory or whatever.

I don't know much about Lloyd Austin but his advisors are all military, and, whatever their limitations, it's in their job description to think about the MILITARY consequences of firing missiles at Russian cities.  As such, it become immediately obvious that Russia would retaliate the same way that the USA would retaliate if Putin put missiles in Cuba and had Russian military personnel fire them into the continental United States.  It would mean war between nuclear powers.  And, even if it didn't become a nuclear holocaust, a conventional war would be devastating.  US troops in Europe and elsewhere would become targets and thousands of them would be killed in the first days of the conflict.  Furthermore, the US defense industry depends upon inputs from China now and those would henceforth be lost to them and  it would take precious time to rebuild their own capacities.

For some reason, airhead pipsqueak Justin Trudeau felt compelled to say something.  And he sided with the Blinken faction (and against the side of all sane people everywhere) when he yammered about how Ukraine should be allowed to fire at targets deep inside Russia.  


Well, as mentioned above, Trudeau is an airhead.  Like many progressive bloggers he does not grasp the consequences of what war with Russia means.  Trudeau, his advisors, progressive bloggers, etc., have also missed something that is patently obvious to the rest of the world, which is that the USA deliberately PROVOKED this war.  They want to do to Putin and Russia what they did to Saddam and Iraq and Qaddafi and Libya and what they wanted to do to Syria.

[Isn't it strange how the USA would support Islamic groups like Hamas, or ISIS or Al Qaeda to weaken secular Arab leftists, and they'll support lumpen fascists in Europe while crushing left-wing movements?  I mean, they correctly believe that left-wing movements more thoroughly threaten their power, but that's only on paper.  The fascists and the fundamentalists seem to prove themselves more effective fighters in the 3-d world.]

Anyway, Trudeau is an airhead.  And, don't forget, he's got that psychotic Ukrainian nazi Crystia Freeland on his frontbench.  Even if they don't like each other (and they probably loath each other) her influence on the party is vast.  Also, Trudeau has been "all-in" for destroying Putin's Russia because he drank the Kool-Aid and liked it and so he drank some more.  The idea that the dream has failed and that we will abandon Ukraine to its fate offends his delusions.

I wouldn't doubt he was asked to pitch in by, oh, maybe the Ukrainian Ambassador in Ottawa.  Maybe the worthless scumbag Keith Starmer called him up and asked him to do what he could.  Probably someone on Blinken's staff of idiots thought to give him a shout.  Which is thankfully very little, because Canada is regarded as a pissant in Washington.

Putin has said that he and his fellow Russians know that the Ukrainians can't fire those missiles into Russia without direct NATO assistance and that therefore any Ukrainian missile strikes inside Russia constitute a direct NATO attack on Russia and that that means WAR between NATO and Russia.  End of story.

And, so, after I start this, Netanyahu starts bombing Beirut.  He then wipes out six multi-storey Beirut high-rises full of civilians to assassinate Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and then addresses the Iranian people (in English) that their liberation is soon at hand.

As "b" over at "Moon of Alabama" points out, Iran's new president Masoud Pezeshkian had responded with restraint to Israel's assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh during Haniyeh's visit to Tehran last summer.

Netanyahu gave the order from New York City.  There's all sorts of stories out there now from all different sources.  I have no ability to tease out the truth and then pronounce upon what it means.

So about Iran's attack: Last time pro-Israeli Nazi people were saying that Iran's April 13th missile strike on Israel was a complete failure.  It showed the weakness of the Iranians.  On the other hand, these new people I'm reading since most progressives bought into "Russiagate" and "Defending Ukrainian Democracy Against Czar Putin's Mad Desire To Re-Create the Russian Empire" crapola are saying that on that attack, the Iranians gave the USA and Israel ample warning about the strike, and that it was a demonstration as to how they could overwhelm Israel's "Iron Dome" air defense system with junk and then hit desired targets with hypersonic missiles.  The uptake being: "We can do a lot of damage to you if we wanted to."

So far it looks like the latter sources are more accurate.

Just as all the shit-heads who say that Ukraine is kicking ass and that Biden's "age" isn't an issue up until 24 hours before he was forced out for being senile and who still shamelessly talk about Trump's mental deterioration. (Which, you'll please, doesn't mean that the rambling, stupid, basic Trump hasn't definitely suffered some cognitive decline as he approaches his 80th birthday.  It means that if you spent YEARS insisting that a doddering idiot isn't doddering, when he WAS doddering, you HAVE to understand that you won't be taken seriously when you accuse your opponent of doddering.)

So, upon the despicable assassination of Nasrallah, and Netanyahoo's provocative statements to Iran that Iranian's "liberation" was "soon at hand" and (I paraphrase) "Sooner than you think."  This is part of the ancient "New Middle East" plan that Condoleeza Rice stammered about around 20 years ago.  It's this notion that the USA will happily "develop" the Middle East if only these pesky antisemites and Arab nationalists and "Putin Puppets" and theocratic Iran and Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda and ISIS and Hamas and etc., ... would only STOP trying to stop us from raping the entire region (after a pay-off to the pimps of course), everything would be as great as the afterlife promised by either the Christian or the Muslim God.  Isn't it a tragedy?  "People of the Book."  A book of delusion.  A book of goat herders trying to make sense of existence with how much more than their primate ancestors?

"Wars are not won by evacuations."  Remember that drivel?  The nazi Azov Battalion in Mauriopol were defeated and surrendered to the Russians and our mainstream media violated the English language and said they were being "evacuated" (to a "separatist controlled" part of the Donbas)!  Absolute garbage propaganda.  Alternate reality stuff.  If that stupid shit is your source for information then you're fucked.

Methinks that idiots like Blinken, Trudeau, Netanyahu, Freeland, Clinton, Biden are like drug-dealers who fall to ruin from getting addicted to their own product.

Anyhoooo ... Iran's second attack was described by our GARBAGE mainstream media as having been totally intercepted.  Yet more evidence of Iran's total weakness.  Except for all the videos showing rockets exploding on the ground or on buildings and not in the air.  Except for the photos of the military airplane hangars with huge holes in their roofs.

Canada condemns Iran's attack on military installations.  "Unequivocally."  A word that they like to use to show people how truly sleazy and stupid they are.  Said nothing about Israel's genocide in Gaza, its lawless progrom in the West Bank, the assassination of political figures, its terrorist pager attack, its violation of Lebanese sovereignty and slaughter from the air of innocent Lebanese civilians.

Canada is all-in on stealing Russia's money to finance keeping Ukraine propped-up and fighting until Biden and the Democrats don't need them to anymore.

What NOBODY (it seems) sitting in politics in Ottawa seems to grasp is that the unipolar world is over.  Academics might write (persuasively even) that this is a bad thing, but whether something is "good" or "bad" is irrelevant to whether it's true or inevitable.   The USA's capitalists turned manufacturing over to China for quick bucks.  China has become a super-power as a result.  Russia is a great power with abundant natural resources and an excellent military that is being trained in real combat against an adversary with better weaponry and training and numbers than Afghanistan's Taliban, the Iraqi army of Saddam Hussein, the lightly-armed Hamas, and etc.  India has far more capabilities and economic weight than the country that emerged from out of British exploitation in the 1940's.  Iran's missiles (together with Russian air defence systems) can neutralize the advantages of the Israeli airforce.

By hitching Canada to the rotting carcass of the declining United States, and abandoning all of Canada's claims to moral integrity by supporting Israel's goddamned genocide in Gaza, the Liberals are disgracing us in the eyes of the world.  This stain will take years to remove if we're collectively even capable of that.  And all we have waiting in the wings to replace these Liberal scumbags and shit-heads is the even more repulsive Conservative Party of Canada.

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