Friday, October 18, 2024

The Evil Idiocy of Kamala Harris


Kamala Harris did miserably in the primaries for the 2020 election.  She didn't even carry her home state of California.  I'm no longer a regular viewer of Jimmy Dore since he went off the deep-end on a number of issues, but his response to Harris's opening of that campaign rightly exposed her as the empty shell that she is:


Tis' said that Biden, senilely infuriated at Obama pushing him from his re-election delusions, infuriated Obama and his allies by endorsing Harris to run in his stead.  (I believe that Joe Biden tires easily, forgets things, and falls asleep.  But someone who was brilliant and principled and wise could still do great things even with all those hindrances.  But Biden was never brilliant, principled or wise.  He's always been an arrogant, narcissistic doofus.  And those aren't Biden's only handicaps.  Biden forgets where he is.  He forgets what he's doing.  He doesn't just forget who he's meeting with in half-an-hour.  He doesn't merely forget where he put his keys.  He forgets who the person talking to him is and what their meeting is supposed to be about.  He imagines things that aren't true, as true.  He invents memories.  He imagines the person he's talking to is someone else.  

But not all the time.  

So, ... imagine it, ... Biden is an arrogant, narcissistic doofus.  A self-confessed willing whore for the oligarchy.  A racist asshole.  An instinctively intuitive player of corrupt games but incapable of anything beyond that narrow scope.  He tires easily.  He finds himself confused and embarrassed.  But he's the same vain, vindictive, arrogant, entitled, stupid ass-wipe that he's always been.  And he thinks that, all things considered, he's been a GREAT president!  And that Obama NEEDED him to get past the power-brokers in this country! " He OWED me!  And I've been a GRREEAATT president!!!!  What the fuck is his problem?????  Oh, ...wh, ... whu, ...wait, ... What's that?  Where am I?  Oh yes!  Oh yes! I must have nodded off there!  Where was I?  Oh yes! [Oh!This is Embarrassing!] Yes! Well, we'll, ... I'll look into it!  Thank you!  Now, ... what was I thinking about?  Oh yeah! Obama!!!"

And so, in that way, that was the path that brought us to Kamala Harris.  An empty corporate shill.  A reason right-wingers believe in DEI hires.  A corrupt, entitled, psycho-narcissist player in an increasingly mindless competition. A stupid cipher who isn't inspiring anybody.

Apparently the decrepit, delusional mind of Joe Biden could percieve that making Kamala Harris the party's standard bearer would cause the Democrats to lose and mildly upset the countenance of that ungrateful Barack Obama (who no doubt had a "responsible" and "viable" alternative who could have saved us all from Trump if only they'd have had listen to him).

But we're not here to talk about that.

Like Joe Biden before her, Harris thinks that Donald Trump is a threat to US-American "democracy."  But like Biden, Harris also supports Israel's genocidal policies of mass-murder.  And while they have both claimed to oppose Netanyahu's violence and they have said they want a ceasefire and they find the civilian deaths of Palestinians "heart breaking" they will continue to materially support Netanyahu's atrocities even though it is alienating large numbers of potential voters in what is going to be a close election where every vote is needed.

Apparently supporting Netanyahu's genocide is more important than preserving US-American democracy from Trumpian fascism.

And it isn't Biden or Harris who have to change.  No.  It's the people who oppose genocide who must compromise their principles.  Not only that!  No!  It get's much worse!  Kamala Harris is so entitled and delusional and disgusting that she actually expects that Arab and/or Muslim people in Michigan who have had family and friends MURDERED by the Israeli's that Biden and his whole team of vermin including (of course) Kamala Harris, should accept the loss of their loved ones and vote for that rancid piece of shit (Kamala Harris of course) because her opponent would most likely be even worse.

Harris no doubt thinks that she can razzle-dazzle them with an imitation of "empathy" and a word-salad about how she wants a ceasefire the same way Biden lied about wanting a ceasefire while still allowing Israel to "defend itself" by murdering Palestinian healthcare workers and bombing Beirut.

Actually, Kamala "Shit-Head" Harris?  That's the sort of insanity that causes revolutions.

That is bad enough.  That sort of clueless, delusional, disgusting entitlement is damning all on its own.  But Kamala "Shit-Head" Harris doesn't even know what the words that spew from her stupid gob even mean.  

When asked about foreign policy, the dunce stated that "Iran is our greatest adversary."  Kamala Harris Isn't Listening to U.S. Intelligence on Iran -

Who is “America’s greatest adversary?”

That is the question 60 Minutes asked Vice President Kamala Harris. “I think there’s an obvious one in mind, which is Iran,” was her answer. She gave two reasons for her verdict: “Iran has American blood on their hands” and “what we need to do to ensure that Iran never achieves the ability to be a nuclear power, that is one of my highest priorities.” All three claims are strange.

That Iran is America’s greatest adversary comes as a surprise after the U.S. has spent the past two and a half years comparing Russian President Vladimir Putin to Hitler and painting him as bent on the conquest of Europe. The U.S. has spent in the neighborhood of $175 billion helping Ukraine fight Russia.

As early as 2018, the U.S. National Defense Strategy ranked China as the “primary concern in US national strategy.” Throughout the Biden-Harris administration, the focus has been on “growing rivalry with China [and] Russia,” as the Interim National Security Guidance of 2021 put it. It was China, and not Iran, that was considered “the only competitor potentially capable of combining its economic, military, and technological power to mount a sustained challenge” to the U.S. led system. In 2021, it was Russia and China that the National Intelligence Council flagged as “rising revisionist powers,” while the 2022 National Defense Strategy named China “the most comprehensive and serious challenge to U.S. national security” and called Russia an “acute threat.”

Up until the moment Harris answered the question, the U.S. had seen Russia and China as America’s greatest adversaries.

Harris is acting like a child, easily distracted by the latest bright, shiny object.  The poor dear has the attention span of a flea and therefore, since the carnage of Israeli imperialism has superceded the USA-provoked war in Ukraine, which itself obscured the US-provoked crisis over Taiwan, it's entirely understandable that the idiot is now fixated on Iran.

Whatever one thinks of the religious obscurantism and misogyny of the Iranian government, the people of that country have long suffered under illegal sanctions for their temerity at having fought back against the USA, which had imposed a dictator on them in order to steal their oil.  They have been very patient and diplomatic for decades and they have been very restrained in their responses to serial US and Israeli provocations.

But such childishness and instability isn't what sane people would want from the occupant of the Oval Office.

It is strange and concerning that after encouraging and supporting two and a half years of war with Russia in Ukraine, that Harris considers, not Russia, but Iran to be America’s “greatest adversary.” It is also disturbing that Harris deletes America’s role in coups, sabotage and assassinations in Iran from history. And it is alarming and dangerous that Harris wants to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb, seemingly unaware that her military-intelligence community is telling her that they are not attempting to acquire a bomb, while showing no inclination for returning to the nuclear diplomacy with Iran that was already working.

Of course, many "progressives" respond with "Trump will be worse."  And I (mostly) agree.  But these "progressives" never follow up their "lesser-evil" strategic voting with a real campaign to change the trajectory of a political culture that has ended up producing a complete idiot like Kamala Harris, taking over from a senile, doddering career racist, corporate whore, corrupt racist like Joe Biden, to run against a proto-fascist, corrupt, incestuous, babbling abomination such as Donald Trump.  Once their team is installed in power these "progressives" then spend the following years cheering tiny accomplishments and making excuses for the inevitable betrayals.

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