Monday, October 7, 2024

The Stain on Canada's International Reputation Will Be Deep and Long Lasting


As I said, the unipolar world is over.  It's beginning was marked with George Bush Sr.'s orchestrated Gulf War, as a demonstration of the oh so brilliant doctrine of "What we say goes!" And it consisted of growing hubris and belligerency up to the present day.  But US capitalists short-sightedly gave manufacturing over to China and Russia recovered from the implosion of the Soviet Union and spreading scientific knowledge around the world has given other countries more weight.  Like England before them, US elites have concentrated on the easier profits of financialization, which has produced trillions in artificial wealth, which requires creative fraud to find new avenues for "investment" producing the 2008 financial crisis and the explosion of inflation in real estate as private sector billionaires exploit every means available to monopolize and gouge.

US hegemony has produced a generation of supposed "geo-political strategists" who are basically coddled, deluded, narcissistic, ignorant idiots.  Hillary Clinton, Thomas Friedman, Paul Wolfowitz, Victoria Nuland, William Kristol, Antony Blinken, the list goes on.  Every single pet policy that they have advocated has been a disaster.  They have killed millions and traumatized tens of millions more.  

In their racism and their chauvinism they have whole-heartedly endorsed Israel's nazi-like genocide of the Palestinians, and Israeli terrorism in Lebanon, and Israeli assassinations (which match their own policy of assassination such as Trump's murder of Qassem Soleimani and Obama's dispatch of Libya's Qaddafi).

They have disgraced themselves.  Israel will be a pariah state until it undergoes a de-nazification process.  But that assumes that Israel will continue to exist when all of this is over.  The balance of military power has changed.  Rockets and missiles (I'm no expert, but apparently there's a difference) can now compensate for shortcomings in aircraft.  Iran has shown that it can reach Israel, easily overwhelm its "Iron Dome" air defenses, and destroy all of its civilian infrastructure.  This offensive capability, together with Russian anti-aircraft defenses, will neuter Israel's ability to hurt Iran.

The degenerates at the top of Saudi Arabia's political system are showing the growing weakness of the United States and the rising weight of China and Russia.  Saudi Arabia is important enough that it act with some degree of autonomy.  And it is slowly backing away from the USA-Israeli's and their mass-murdering of Arabs, and is deepening ties to China and Russia, and making limited amends to Syria and Iran.

Canada meanwhile is led by a gaggle of provincial airheads like Trudeau and Poilievre.  Our Minister of Foreign Affairs is an ignorant, hypocritical shit-for-brains.  Melanie Joley is just too stupid to grasp how disgusting Israel is.  She's coccooned in a world of delusion and cowardice and stupidity that she thinks her platitudes and evasions and her hypocritical condemnations of Hamas and Hezbollah as "terrorist organizations" while turning a blind eye to Israel's far greater crimes haven't made her an international disgrace.

Most of the other countries of the world aren't bombarded with zionist propaganda like we are.  Most of the rest of the world's peoples have some sympathy for the Jewish people who were the victims of the Holocaust.  But they are capable of seeing the difference between those Jewish victims and the zionist perpetrators of nazi policies against the Palestinians.  They are disgusted with Anglo-American support for zionist racist colonialism and genocide.  They are disgusted with the USA's hypocrisies about the "rules-based international order" and they all wish to get out from under this tyranny.

At the moment, there isn't much of an ideological component to the revolution in world affairs.  Both China and Russia are essentially capitalist countries.  Russia controls its vast armaments industry (to great effect) better than the USA does.  China has a larger public sector and a greater ability to regulate finance and industry but it does so to maintain efficiency and profitability.  But capitalism and the blind trajectory of growing consumption are destroying living standards and the planet simultaneously.  The continuing rise of socialism in Latin America (against violent capitalist resistance and sabotage) and the polarization and rising anger inside the hegemon are testimony to where the world will go (if civilization survives the coming eco-crises.)

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