Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Disaster of the harper Majority is Becoming Clear

I've already said that harper's winning a majority after having demonstrated contempt for all the fundamentals of parliamentary democracy was a major indictment of our political culture.

I'm just saying now that the omnibus crime bill, Tony Clement's arrogant disregard for his misuse of federal funds (to buy votes in his riding), and all the other stinking messes that are coming down the pipe, ... the gravity of the situation is making itself felt.

I'm not going to blame Liberals or Dippers. We didn't want to work together for very good reasons. Our culture and our history is what it is and we are what we are and we have what we have.

The people to blame, even if we have some disparaging words for our fellow citizens too lazy, ignorant, or apathetic to vote, are the dullards and assholes who voted "Conservative." They've shown that they're failures as citizens. All of them.


Zombie Jesus said...

Honestly you don't even have to look far for an example to see why merging is a bad idea. Look at the cons. The PCs in the party have been shut out and the lunatics are in charge essentially using the relatively sane from the old PCs party as cover.

While there isn't a person in either the federal Liberals or the NDP that is as batshit insane or as stunningly ignorant as Harper and company is there is a lesson to be learnt. The simple lesson is you wind up with one contingent that overwhelms and potentially shuts out the others voices in the party.

While I think in a merger situation the NDP and Liberals would be able to work to without someone as dictatorial as Harper you are still running the risk of shutting down voices. And quite frankly the only real solutions to problems come from real, substantial debate, not declaring your self king and doing it in a rigid ideological manner.

As for those that voted for the Cons they are simply put idiots. And they deserve exactly what they are going to get. Anyone with a functional brain cell should be able to figure out that the Cons are useless and significantly more corrupt and venal then anything the Liberals managed to do in their time in power.

Anonymous said...

We were warned what would happen to Canada,if Harper won a majority. Our worst nightmares are coming true.

Harper had Carson, an American, a many times convicted felon working for him. Carson and his ex prostitute girlfriend were guests in Harper's home. The confusing robo calls to Canadian homes, to change their voting locations, for the Federal election came from North Dakota. Hmmmm.

And yes, there is still the missing, fifty million dollars.

There is still Harper, being in contempt of the House.

Harper twice prorogued Parliament within one year. He wanted to avoid the questions of his part, in the torture of the detainee's.

Harper and his ministers are thieving Canadians blind. One minister wants the word Canada, off his business cards. He also stipulated, the letters must be in gold.

MacKay pissing away, three million on travel expenses, is totally outrageous. Even more stupid is the, billion dollar fake lake.

Then there are the billions upon billions for, his wars, jets, ships, and gulags. And, to hell with the people.

Harper also gives banks, mines, large corporations, gas and oil corporations, billions of our tax dollars. I saw that motion pass, watching the Federal House TV channel. Why is Harper giving the wealthiest outfits in the world our tax dollars?

We are going to have all the services, which we pay through the nose for, slashed. Harper will privatize health care, and kill other services. While he thieves, our every tax dollar, for his own selfish glory.

Please read: Harper gives a speech in New York, at the Council of Foreign Relations. Sept. 25/2007. You will then see, what his evil agenda is all about. Just imagine, Canada as the largest state in the U.S.