Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Whatever Happens, Failure is Failure

And neoliberalism has failed, is failing, will continue to fail.

Treating the earth as both a resource to be strip-mined and as a toilet for our increasing production of toxic garbage is a literal dead-end.

Treating other human beings as an expense and demanding that they justify their existences according to the value of financial profit is inhumane and self-evidently self-destructive to the cause of humanity in general.

The anger boiling over across the Middle East, in Greece, in Ireland, in Iceland, in the USA will spread. It's already toppled governments in South America.

Look at the way that the elites are doubling down on the failed policies now. Trying to grab more from a shrinking economy from the people who have taken it on the chin for decades now, as a result of their failed policies.

Our elites are deluded and they cannot change. Their only instincts are to make things worse. Therefore, the anger will grow.


trevorus said...

sorry. this is prolly not directly related to your latest.

but i wanted to pass along this story.....just so you can keep an eye on which corner of the back yard the dog is shitting in now..

thwap said...


Well, the post was about failure, and your link appears to be about a failed Vancouver city politician hiring the same propagandists as the failed Toronto mayor, Rob Ford used.

I hear Ford went on CBC radio and did a disastrous interview.

trevorus said...

rob ford is certainly a failure of a human being. i'd like to see the NPA fail miserably now that they've hired goebbels research, but somehow i believe they're going to gain traction by upping the fordian shit slinging. although i'd like to eat crow after that statement. unfortunately the electorate can be pretty retarded when they have their brains turned off to manipulation factor of these PR pigfuckers.