Friday, October 7, 2011

The Tyranny of the Status quo

Well, at least McGuinty was reduced to a minority (albeit a large one). What to say? What to say?

People in Ontario didn't care that Tim Hudak is a stupid version of Mike Harris (amazing ain't it?). The Ontario PC's scored about the same as they've done for years. Biggest disaster in our province's history, or at least a close second to Mitch Hepburn.

They don't care about the hapless Liberals who have responded to Ontario's falling to have-not status on their watch with blubbering excuses about the unfairness of the equalization formula. (People! The formula is the same one that saw you making payments to the rest of Canada as a "have" province! De-industrialization has happened and it's killing us and you just want to find excuses???)

Ontarians don't care about McGuinty secretly (oh, but only temporarily and in a limited area) taking away their civil rights with the Public Works Protection Act. They don't care about massive police brutality. They don't care about ...

Ah! But I wasn't excited by this election either. I honestly didn't care if it was McGuinty or Hudak. And I wasn't excited by the ONDP who are moving to the centre-right when the times call for moving leftwards.

In the midst of some of the biggest assaults on citizens' rights during one of the greatest failures of capitalism, those who vote vote for more of the same. Those who didn't vote, ... I suspect they were just living their lives, oblivious to the importance politics plays in their lives. (It wasn't like you'd get a sense of that from watching the politicians though.)


Beijing York said...

In the broader scheme of things, you are right. But this and other recent election results are a major chink in Harper's armor. He wants to believe that we are just as misguided and self-serving as those who support the GOP in the US. He likes to think that he has remade this country.

Sure the goal posts have seriously shifted to the right for all parties and that is unnerving. But I look at these recent results as a sign that Canadians really don't view themselves as Harper does. It's a minor victory but one that has given me a bit of hope.

thwap said...

oh, i suppose the shit-eaters could have made ideological hay out of their "trifecta."

but the nauseating mcguinty, and the nauseating obama, and the nauseating martin, and the nauseating ignatieff, have taught me not to celebrate "liberal" victories too much.

Kev said...

"...the ONDP who are moving to the centre-right when the times call for moving leftwards."

Bang on my friend.The NDP is squandering their best opportunity to actually make a difference by becoming Liberal lite.

These times do indeed call for a major shift left and if the NDP as the party best positioned to do so did in fact do it they would likely gain the support of the many who ache for something different. But I suspect that they will continue drifting right rendering themselves redundant

thwap said...

The trouble is that the people in charge think that their "pragmatism" has been vindicated. But they didn't really make Quebec fall into the NDP's lap or make the Liberals implode.