Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Millions Against Genocide


Just thought that I'd say here what I've said (to little effect) to various activist groups.  Protest and "resistance" that doesn't do much more than make you feel good that you "did something" is what progressives seem to be happy to resign them to.  But peaceful afternoon gatherings (even of tens of thousands in our larger cities) obviously isn't going to end Canada's support for Israel's genocidal behaviour against the Palestinians.

Canada's ruling class (including their representatives in the LibroCon Party) have evidently weighed the pros and cons of disemboweling their future ability to yammer about "human rights" and other such topics versus angering the United States, betraying their devotion to the imaginary Israel as a beacon of morality and strategic asset ["The Future of an Illusion -"], and alienating Zionist voters, and decided that continuing to enable Israel's genocide is worth it.

If you want it to be effective and peaceful in the face of such empty-headed, immoral, shameless hypocrisy and inhumanity, you will need the sheer weight of numbers of anti-genocide citizens on your side.  

Thankfully, and I honestly believe this, the vast majority of Canadians are not genocidal psychopaths.  Furthermore, those Jewish Canadian Zionists who are so narcissistic and delusional that they genuinely believe the stupid narrative about Hamas's attack coming out of the blue and being based on nothing more than antisemitism are a distinct minority of the electorate and any political party that will pander to them to win a few ridings here or there must understand that they will suffer for that elsewhere.

But we have to reach this vast majority first.  And when we reach out to them we must have a coherent strategy and a clear set of tactics for achieve said strategy.  This genocide has been live-streaming since last October.  Clearly what activists have been doing thus far (a lot of which consists of shouting "NO JUSTICE? NO PEACE!" while insisting on being peaceful) isn't working.  Protests around the world and in the USA have had little impact on the Netanyahu fascist coalition.  As Canadians we probably have little influence over either of those two countries.  But if the Liberal wing of the LibroCon Party sees that the vast majority of the Canadian electorate will have nothing to do with a party that enables Israeli genocide it might cause them to re-think their amoral, cowardly, hypocritical position.  (The Conservative wing is most likely too racist and stupid to change their tune.)  Were the Canadian government to come out and unequivocably condemn Israel for committing genocide it would be a big thing diplomatically.  More signficant than our recent spat with Saudi Arabia.  Were Canada to being building a coalition committed to funding the reconstruction of Gaza and articulating (at least) to the end of Zionist expansion in the West Bank, ... well, fuck, that's the bare minimum we should be asking for.

But we have to reach Canadians first.  The media has been suppressing reporting on the genocide and distorting reality whenever they do say anything about it. And, unfortunately, legacy media is still effective.  It's certainly more effective than nothing.  Which is what most Canadians hear from the anti-genocide movement. (Because we're suppressed.)  This flows from my belief that most people are cognitively incapable of being curious about issues beyond their immediate self-interest.  The individual, their family, their friends, their co-workers and their job, ... radiating circles.  It's not that they don't care about the sufferings of others.  It's that they hardly ever think beyond their own circles.  But it's also proven that should the media consistently put a story before their eyes (refugees from a forest fire, innocent Ukrainians under attack by the new Hitler, an elderly woman and her dog being evicted by a greedy landlord, whatever) their humanity is stirred and they will often even spring into action with protests or donations.  Because most people are decent and not psychopaths or deluded racist narcissists.

And if we haven't been able to reach them up to now we have to strategize for how to change that.  And NOT just dismiss whatever thwaperino proposes before lapsing into continued failed tactics.  If you don't like my idea, then propose something of your own because you HAVE to acknowledge that what we've been doing up to now isn't working.

Explain the issues after sweeping away the bullshit mainstream narrative.  Clearly state your demands. Demonstrate to the LibroCons the size of the portion of the electorate who will not vote for pro-genocide scumbags.  Get petitions signed to this effect.  Organize a one-day rally against genocide to show the size of this majority.  Get support for peaceful occupations and shutdowns.  Make sure that people understand that as soon as this disgraceful official support for genocide ends, the protests will end.

Just as in the same way, the arrogant, racist fuck-face University of Toronto President's hypocritical ravings about the nastiness of the anti-genocide encampment and how they should all fuck-off.  Listen asshole, as soon as you find the fucking brains and the humanity to divest the university of its ownership of a Nazi-state, the protesters' occupation will be over.  The longer you shit in a bucket and then dump it on top of your head while babbling about "antisemitism" the longer it will last.

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