Friday, April 26, 2024

Punished For Not "Rising Up" to Overthrow Hamas


One thing that the zionist nazi Netanyahu and his like-minded racist scum say to justify their genocide of the Palestinians is that the men, women and children of Gaza should have "risen up" to overthrow the illegal, terrorist regime of Hamas.  But, instead (says the nazi Netanyahu) they obviously support Hamas.

Leaving aside for the moment that Israeli citizens supporting their country's apartheid regime, with many of them voting for nazi-like political parties, makes them liable to the same criticism, and, therefore, the same treatment, we need to consider the following facts that make the argument of Israeli Hitlerites so fucking stupid.

1. Palestinians in the West Bank (where Hamas doesn't govern) are also being attacked.

2. Hamas won a legitimate electoral victory in 2006.  This election was insisted upon by Condoleeza Rice against Israeli protests.  But Netanyahu and other Israeli apartheid administrators had supported Hamas peviously to divide the Palestinians.  Israel and the USA responded to Hamas' unexpected victory by attempting a coup, which failed in Gaza.  As a result of the coup, Hamas suspended political freedoms to avoid further Israeli/US meddling.  There has thus been no electoral opportunity for the people of Gaza to vote out Hamas.  (This includes the tens of thousands of children born since 2006, which would make some of them 18 and able to vote for the first time this year.

3.  The Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) has just failed to dislodge Hamas (and other resistance groups) in their current illegal invasion.  They've managed to (like the cowards they are) carpet-bomb civilians, killing them in the tens of thousands, but on the ground, they continue to be killed by Hamas fighters.

So, if the IOF, with all its weaponry, couldn't eliminate Hamas, what were unarmed civilians supposed to do?  And, anyways, the IOF is the moral inferior of Hamas and Israeli nazis should just shut their racist gobs about what Palestinians should do and shove rocks up their anuses.

Just one more answer to the Israeli nazis and their shit-for-brains, racist supporters here in North America.


zoombats said...

"the men, women and children of Gaza should have "risen up" to overthrow the illegal, terrorist regime of Hamas. But, instead (says the nazi Netanyahu) they obviously support Hamas".

This might be too simplistic a comparison but what might the "Dog" Bibbi have to say with regards Jewish men who didn't "rise up" and watched their women and children separated and led off to the box cars?
Aaron Bushnell asked "what would you do"?

thwap said...


The idea of civilians "rising up" against a dictatorial government and it's police and military is generally a ridiculous idea.

I once studied the career of Hugh Dalton, who was the first Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Atlee Labour government. During the war Churchill made him the head of the Special Operations Executive to "set Europe ablaze" and assist underground resistance movements to "rise up" against their nazi occupiers.

But they never had much luck with that.

The destruction of the bombing of British and German cities was supposed to lead to unrest and "rising up" against the respective governments. But they produced the opposite effect, if anything.

Palestinians, in a struggle with a racist Israeli regime, are going to rally together, not engage in factionalism. Unless their leadership has gravely disappointed them, as was the case with the inheritors of the PLO.

zoombats said...

"a ridiculous idea"? Even in a matter of life and death? I beg to differ but then again it is only my opinion. I'm sure there were many populist uprisings where the costs were great sacrifice and perceived by some as ridiculous.

thwap said...


I'm referring to where people who risk nothing demanding that OTHER people rise up. Especially in cases where those outsiders stand to benefit from unarmed civilians taking on an armed state.

As was the case with Churchill and the populations of occupied Europe or, even more ridiculous, Israelis and their desire that the civilians of Gaza take on Hamas. (The whole Israeli argument is ridiculous from start to finish.) (and disgsuting. and insane. and evil. and rancid ....

zoombats said...

Yes, we do agree on many things and I am convinced that the Israelis have an argument for any scenario both past and present. They are masterful hypocrites.