Thursday, March 17, 2011

Liberal - Tory - Same - Old - Story!!!


Yesterday, I wrote some commentary about stephen harper's revolting words about the significance of the recent Japanese earthquake tragedy as reported here.

Now, that's a Liberal site, but I still found it ridiculous and outrageous that part of the response to an abomination emerging from harper's mouth, some commentators there used the whole thing as an excuse to bash the NDP. For Christ's sake!

When I pointed this out, Scotian took umbrage and posted a long reply. My reply to that shall be my post for the day ...


Sorry guy, but I find it absolutely ridiculous that at a moment when harper says something so completely repulsive, your second instinct is to use it as an opportunity to trash the NDP.

You know, we all could have been united in our outrage against a guy who I HAVE ADMITTED is worse than the Liberals, whose party is worse than the Liberals.

You could have saved your antipathy for the NDP for another day, but instead, you decided to pollute things with the same tired, irrelevant bitching and carping about the NDP. That was YOUR decision.

And, let's not forget, it was Liberals from Trudeau to Chretien who centralized power inside the PMO so that harper's taking it to the next step wasn't all that great a step.

And it was Chretien's Liberals who perfected laughing their way through scandals and lying to the people ("We'll KILL the GST!") that harper has only elevated to a degree.

It's been the Liberal Party of Chretien and Paul Martin that so savaged public health care and used the EI fund to cover tax-cuts for the wealthy.

It was the Liberal Party of Paul Martin that helped overthrew Haiti's democratically elected president and helped install a regime of thieves and murderers and under Canada's adherence to the "responsibility to protect" Haitians are starving and suffering under unelected governments and sham elections.

harper is worse, but maybe that's just the leftist in me being blinded by my own political inclinations. Maybe, as in the USA, the "good cops" the Democrats of Obama and Clinton, are worse than the "bad cops" the Repugnicans under bush II.

At least with the bad cops, you know they don't like you and want you dead. Sometimes the good cops can fool you into making you think they're your friends and you give them more than you should have.


Anonymous said...

I like Scotian, but I stand firm with you on this, thwap. The left has to make a strong, united front. Anyone left-of-harper should make an informal alliance (Pat Martin suggested that years ago - NDP/Lib informal alliance and I thought it was a good idea back then), get rid of harper and the abomination that passes for CPC, then work on some serious parliamentary reform.

900ft j.

thwap said...

I like Scotian too. Matter of fact, I like Liberal bloggers for the most part. I just hate their party.
linky love

Kev said...

I've long contended that the Liberals and the Democrats are far more dangerous than the Cons and repugs.

This is due to the misconception that the liberals govern from the left or at worst the centre, so that when they say that they have no choice but to gut health care everyone thinks that if a left wing party says it is necessary then it must be so. As you said in your post it was the Liberals that slashed health care spending here.
South of the border it was a Democrat administration that gutted welfare.

thwap said...


Look at how well the Democrats are helping the unions down south 'eh?

Obama is like TOTALLY standing with the public sector workers in Wisconsin.

In all seriousness though, politics used to mean something. Under LBJ, the Democrats pushed for civil rights (however belatedly) because they knew that their support for the segregationists would hurt them eventually. They were prepared to jettison their most loyal political base because the electorate wasn't going to stand for entrenched, systemic racism.

There's none of that sacrifice in the name of the public anymore.

The corporate media system has everybody chasing shadows, astro-turf groups like the tea party, flag-pins and red-Fridays, and voting for brazen con-men like harper or Rob Ford, or cynical shills like Ignatieff, Martin, or McGuinty.

Kev said...

AH McGuinty, that great lefty that has massively cut corporate taxes while simultaneously raising taxes on the working class (health levy, HST) and slashing mental health programs for youth, plus forcing welfare recipients to starve and making sure that what little they have to eat is as unhealthy as possible, etc,etc,etc.

Orwell's Bastard said...

Yeah, well. This is why I keep going on about not getting sidetracked by labels. Look at what they do, not what colour sweaters they wear.

Glad to see the term "corporate media" getting some traction, though. Ideally, it'll replace lame-ass expressions like MSM ...