Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hegemony ... it's the little things

It's in this otherwise fine Toronto Star article about Vogue Magazine scrubbing their embarrassing gushing profile of Syrian mass-murderer Assad's wife:
The 3,200-word article apparently proved so embarrassing to the magazine that it scrubbed it from its website, an almost unheard-of step for a mainstream media organization and a generally acknowledged violation of digital etiquette.
Today it’s impossible to find the article, “A Rose in the Desert,” on Vogue’s website. Links to it lead to a notice on reading, “Oops. The page you’re looking for cannot be found,” next to a photo of a fashion model looking sternly into the camera.
The problem shows up here:
Buck’s article, in the March 2011 issue of Vogue, drew widespread surprise and ridicule, especially among Washington’s foreign-policy community, which had long regarded Syria as a regional troublemaker and leading violator of human rights.
Did you see that? The hegemonic notion is that the USA and, especially, the foreign-policy elites in Washington, are the last word on human rights and regional interests in the Middle East. The undeniable truth is that the US foreign-policy community has violated far more human rights than has Syria and that it and Israel are by far the regional troublemakers. But such thinking has a hard time penetrating our propaganda system.

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